Geneva 7/6 and 7/7

Well we finally made it east Friday it took us a bit to find fish and come up with a consistent program but we pulled 5 tickets by 1:30 with 7 fish Ohio’s. Saturday fished with mike wallydog and crew. We started at the spot we ended on Friday and pulled a double right away and then nothing. We got a call out from got one and double j that they were inside 3 miles so we ran in and we had a quad immediately made to more passes with the waves had 6 rods go at once and also a triple at the end only needed one at that time and had 5 tickets by 11:45 with 3 fish Ohio’s one going 30 inches and 10.7 pounds. Im not going to go into detail because we have a tourney Saturday but fish are in small active pods so if you hit one try and stay on them the best you can. We were targeting fish in the 50 to 60 ft range. Speed at 1.7 and color didn’t matter so if you get your speed and depth right you should be golden. There ate active pods everywhere so don’t get complacent.
Thanks to Jeff Steve and Ryan and to mike and crews for the fishing this weekend Nicholas and I had a blast. BD